Cookies Policy


Last update: February 17, 2022 

On WWW.ENCHERESHOLSTEINQUEBEC.COM (the “website”), we use cookies, to improve your overall experience on our website. Specifically, we use cookies to: 

– The collection of information during the duration of your visit to the website (called “session cookies”). 

– The collection of information to recognize your browser or your device on each visit (called “persistent cookies”). 

– Collecting your login and password information, if you wish. 

– Collecting your user settings, such as audio and display settings. 

– Analysis of your behavior on our website, so that we can continue to improve it. 

– Allow others to advertise on our website or track information about you in order to improve advertising to you. 

By using our website or any of our services, you consent to our use of cookies. This cookie policy will explain what cookies are, how we use them and what your rights are in relation to our use of cookies. We will also discuss our third-party cookies and what they mean to you.


Cookies are small files that are placed on your device to store information. Specifically, cookies are small strings of text used to store information that may be about you, your internet behavior, your preferences or your device. Cookies are mainly used to adapt the functioning of the website to your expectations, by offering a more personalized browsing experience and by memorizing the choices you have made previously. 

There are different types of cookies. Cookies do not record or store any personal data from your device.


Technical cookies, which can also sometimes be called HTML cookies, are used for navigation and to facilitate your access and utilisation of the site. They are necessary for the transmission of communications over the network or to provide the services you have requested. The use of technical cookies enables safe and efficient use of the website. 

You can manage or request the general deactivation or cancellation of cookies through your browser. If you do, however, please note that this action may slow down or prevent access to certain parts of the website. 

We also use cookies which are forwarded by an analytics or statistics service provider to collect aggregate information about the number of users and how they visit the website. These are also considered technical cookies when functioning as described. 

Analytics can collect information through log data, such as: 

– Internet protocol address; 

– The type of browser and device; 

– The operating system ; 

– The name of the Internet service provider; 

– Information on the country; 

– The date and time of the visit; 

– The Internet page of origin (referral) and exit; 

– Possibly the number of clicks. 

We do not use this information to identify you, but rather to understand usage trends on our website. 

Session cookies: We use session cookies to keep track of how you navigate during your visits to the website. Temporary session cookies are automatically deleted at the end of the browsing session – they are mainly used to keep track of what you do from one page to another, such as for online purchases, by keeping track of what is in your basket. 

Persistent cookies: Persistent cookies, on the other hand, remain active for longer than a single particular session. They help us recognize you. We also use them to store your login and password information, if desired, and to store your user settings. 

Third-party cookies: We also use third-party cookies, which are cookies sent by a third party to your computer. Persistent cookies are often third-party cookies. The majority of third-party cookies consist of tracking cookies used to identify online behavior, understand interests and then personalize advertising for you. 

We use remarketing cookies, which place files on your browser or device to enable us to display advertisements to you other websites. 

When these types of cookies are used, we will ask for your explicit consent. 

We also use additional tracking technologies, mentioned below, for the following purposes: 

Web tags are used to better target user needs.


The full list of cookies we use on our website is set out below: 

– Third-party cookies: 

Language, favorites, acceptance of terms and conditions. Duration: 24 months. 

– Our cookies: 

Cookie for login, acceptance of terms and conditions, language preference. Duration : 24 months.


When you arrive on our website, we will ask for your consent for cookies as follows: 

Through a “yes” window that allows the acceptance of cookies.


If you wish, you can prevent the use of cookies, but then you may not be able to use our website as intended. To continue without changing the options related to cookies, simply continue to use our website. 

For our website, here is how you can adjust your settings and, if you wish, completely refuse cookies: 

By means of a “no” window which makes it possible not to accept cookies. 

You can also manage cookies through your browser settings on your device. However, deleting cookies from your browser may delete preferences you have set for the website, as well as preferences you have set for other websites. 

For more information and assistance, you can also consult the specific help page of the Internet browser you are using: 

– Internet Explorer: 

– Firefox:

– Safari: 

– Chrome: 

– Opera:


If you have any questions about our cookie policy, you can reach us at the following email address: